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- Eliza started work as a young teenager at Allen Hancock's hotel.Before she married she had a son, William Henry, who was raised as aHancock whom he could well have been. (Family members believe this tobe so). Allen, was generally recognised as the "Father ofBoorowa", where, as a Publican, Auctioneer, Real Estate Agent andMayor he established a reputation through his various activities. Hecame to Australia in 1853 after reportedly making a fortune on thegold fields in America. He crossed America by waggon train fromFlorida in the east to California in the west. In Sydney, he marriedOlive Gaze in 1855 and had 7 sons while they followed the gold fieldsfrom Victoria up to Young, which was called Lambing Flats at thattime. Olive died in 1868, not long after they had settled in Burrowawhere Allen built the "Australian Hotel". In all he had 16children and one adopted son - all named after USA Presidents or theirwives. Although I am not sure about the seventh born who waschristened "Minerva Nella Australia Hancock". Allen Hancock was notonly a true patriot to his homeland but also to his adopted country.It was long before the turn of the century that he was tabbed "TheFather of Burrowa" and is still referred to as that in Boorowa today.Many newspaper articles were written about him, his loyalty, and hisexploits. He lived until he was 96 and Eliza lived until she was 87. Descendants of Allen and his first wife Olive Gaze have traced hisfamily back to Devonshire, England in 1575. His England family wereshipbuilders and Allen's grandfather had gone to America in search ofsuitable shipbuilding timber, as the forests of suitable timber inEngland were starting to dwindle. His grandfather was killed byIndians - or that is how the story goes. After Allen died Elizamoved around her family and on one of these visits she fell and brokea hip, from which she did not really recover. She was living with twoof her daughters, Minerva and Alma at Roche (near Boorowa) when shedied a year later.