Our Family

Edward Sheather

Edward Sheather

Male 1824 - 1902  (78 years)

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  • Name Edward Sheather  [1
    Born 27 Jul 1824  Peasmarsh, Sussex, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Christened 7 Nov 1824  Peasmarsh, Sussex, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Occupation Nangus, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Died 16 Nov 1902  Nangus, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 4
    Buried Nangus, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    19021116 - Edward Sheather memorial 0001
    19021116 - Edward Sheather memorial 0001
    Person ID I8850  So Many Generations
    Last Modified 21 Feb 2021 

    Father James Sheather,   b. 24 May 1792, Peasmarsh, Sussex, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 17 Feb 1880, Camden, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 87 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Mary Milham,   b. 22 Mar 1800, Ewhurst, Sussex, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 10 Oct 1888, 30 Carey Street, Leichhardt, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 88 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Married 25 Feb 1824  Peasmarsh, Sussex, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F2476  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Eliza Jane Fuller,   b. 30 Nov 1826, Battle, Sussex, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1 Feb 1908, Nangus, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 81 years) 
    Married 12 Aug 1845  Cobbitty, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 5
     1. Esther Sheather,   b. 26 Jun 1845, Camden, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 24 Sep 1904, Nangus, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 59 years)  [natural]
     2. William Henry Hoy Sheather,   b. 19 Jan 1848, Camden, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 28 Oct 1915, Narrabri West, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 67 years)  [natural]
    +3. Edward "Ted" Sheather,   b. 7 Nov 1849, Camden, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 20 Oct 1920, Nangus, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 70 years)  [natural]
    +4. George Sheather,   b. 18 Nov 1852, Camden, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 28 Feb 1923, Gundagai, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 70 years)  [natural]
     5. Mary Jane Sheather,   b. 19 Jul 1854, Camden, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 28 Jul 1924, Temora, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 70 years)  [natural]
     6. James Sheather,   b. 6 Jun 1856, Camden, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 20 Apr 1857, Camden, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 0 years)  [natural]
     7. Elizabeth May "Eliza" Sheather,   b. 18 Feb 1858, Camden, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 17 May 1934, Gundagai, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 76 years)  [natural]
     8. Margaret Sheather,   b. 1862,   d. Yes, date unknown  [natural]
     9. John Kimo Sheather,   b. 19 Dec 1863, Gundagai, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 6 Dec 1949, Gundagai, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 85 years)  [natural]
     10. Susan Sheather,   b. 1865,   d. Yes, date unknown  [natural]
    Last Modified 21 Feb 2021 
    Family ID F2761  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Headstones
    19021116 - Edward Sheather memorial 0001
    19021116 - Edward Sheather memorial 0001

  • Notes 
    • Edward sheather was born in Battle, County of East Sussex, England onthe 27th July, 1824. He was the son of James Sheather and Mary Milham,who left England on the "Royal George" with their ten children as wellas James Sheather's brother, Henry, his wife and their eight children.Twenty two Sheathers in all. They were bounty immigrants importedby the Macarthurs to work as farm labourers at Camden Park Estate withWilliam and Mary Fuller and Mary's sister Elizabeth DAvis, her husbandand children. Edward and Eliza both worked for the Macarthurs atCamden, he was a sheperd and she was a housemaid. They married on the12 August, 1845 at Narrellan near CAmden and moved to Nangus in theearly 1850's.,where Edward selected land which he later sold to JamesRobinson, a citizen og Gundagai and subsequently the owner of Kimo.Edward and Eliza then built the Nangus Hotel (Abington) at Native DogCreek in 1877, While the pub was in opertion Edward farmed and had adairy on the share system with Mr Collins. Addie Daley (sheather)claimed that Edward himself , built the pub , also Mr Jack Sheathersays the same. Jack could show you where the bricks were made for thePub. His grandfather took over the farming operation after Edwarddied. The bushrangers , according to the late Mrs Addie Daley, were atthe hotel for 3 days, staying in the old cellar, and were kind toEliza, on the 4th day it is recorded in history, where they killedpeople at Wantabadgery. but ceased to operate as a hotel in 1924.Edward Sheather died 16th November, 1902, age 78 years. He left behind7 children, 51 grandchildrenand 48 great grandchildren. In his lateryears he was compelled to use a walking cane, but otherwise held allhis facalities. It was said he was far seeing, honest and kindly man. Eliza Sheather died 1 February, 1908, age 81 years. She was said tobe a remarkable women for her age even though afflicted by blindnessand deafness. (Information supplied by John and Jack Sheather)"The Fuller Family of John & Sophia" KIMO SCHOOL, NATIVE DOGCREEK & EDWARD SHEATHER (NANGUS HOTEL) In 1887 Edward Sheather Snrwrote an application requesting a school be built at Native Dog Creek. He applied himself to this task and the school was finally built byOctober 1888. Many of his grandchildren (I'm told there were 50)attended theschool, and other pupils later married into this family(Metcalf, Elphick, Makeham, Williams, Fields, Worldon and Bell).The school children in this remote country area of Nangus had manychallenges. The boys were needed to help on the land and, owing tothe rough terrain and flooding of local creeks, it was impossible forthe children to attend school on a regular basis. On 4th November1887, Edward Sheather, owner of the Nangus Hotel, sent an applicationto the Under Secretary, Department of Public Instruction, Sydney. Herequested that a school be built at Native Dog Creek. He wrote theletter on behalf of the residents at Native Dog Creek, Nangus nearGundagai. The annex to the application lists Edward Shether Jnrand his wife Jane and children William Henry and George Alfred (twins)14, Edward John 12, Clara Ann 10, Amy May 6, Albert Ernest 4. Theylived two miles from the proposed school whereas theclosest school was6 miles away, quite a distance for the children to travel in thosedays. A site was to be obtained on Government Road on the Kimo sideof Native Dog Creek. George & Ann Sheather, children Minnie Jane12, Amelia Mary 10, Eliza Ellen 8, Edith May 6, and Amy Isabel 4, werealso listed on the annex to the application form. George Lyell,teacher of the Public School at Nangus, details his objections to thenew school and his concern that his own school would be closed forlack of students. His report gives us insights into Edward and Jane'sfamily life. Their twin sons William and Henry attended school on anaverage of one week per quarter over a period of two years, he writes,"..the parents consider the boys work on the farm of far moreimportance than their education.." which was not unusual for thosetimes when the family made their living from the land. Edward, Clara,Amy, and Eliza Sheather were permanent residents and likely to bepupils. "..If a school were established at the proposed locality,Nangus Public School must collapse. As for the dangerous creeks thatprevent children from attending the existing school, there is onewater channel or gully which is a torrent in heavy rains nevercontinuing to flow for more than an hour or so after the rain ceases.Parents in the country districts rarely send their children to schoolon a wet day. I cannot see the wisdom of establishing the proposedschool at Native Dog Creek. I therefore recommend that theinhabitants be refused their request..". In February 1888, Edwardwrote mentioning his annoyance at the delay by the Department inmaking a decision. "Your communication of the 17/11/87 was dulyreceived stating the establishment of a provisional school at NativeDog Creek Nangus was under consideration. "We have heard nothingfurther in the matter and feel considerably annoyed at such delay."Our children are growing wild untutored and ignorant simply for thewant of a school where they can receive that training they are dulyentitled to. "The old saying 'while the grass is growing the steedis starving' is applicable in our case. Will you have the goodnessat once attend to this matter as it is quite time our .....application for a school was attended to. "I have the honour to beyour obedient servant "Edward Sheather Snr." The inspector wasswayed by the teacher's report and without visiting the location,agreed with George Lyell that there was no case for establishing aschool. He requested the application be denied. A reply to thisletter pointed out to the inspectorthat he had disregarded paragraph 6on the form he submitted. So the case couldn't be settled in the wayhe recommended. The inspector had to be "on the spot to make adecision". This meant that he had to go to the area and check out theterrainhimself which he did, and on the 7th May 1888 he wrote "..onpersonal examination of the country I find that it is nearlyimpossible for the children residing at Native Dog Creek to attendNangus School. The late teacher misled me somewhat...". What avictory for the local people when the next day they received word thatthe application had been successful, and the Committee members wouldbe Edward Sheather, J Hudson and George Fuller. The Chief Inspectorrecommended £45 be granted for the erection and furnishing of a schoolhouse. A request for a local resident to point out the exact sitefor the school to the surveyor was made. He received a reply ".. MrSheather will be glad to point out the site to the Surveyor, he willalso point out the exact spot on the reserve which is required fo rtheSchool. I am unable to give a sketch, I submit that it is notrequired...". Five months later, Edward informed the authoritythat the School building at Kimo was completed. The building wasweatherboard, floored, and roofed with iron, it had a brick chimney,light and ventilation. The prescribed amount of furniture hadbeensupplied. There were two good W.C.s and the residents had giventhe building two coats of paint. Mrs E Sheather Jnr applied forexamption from payment for school fees of 2/3. Her reason being thatthey could not afford to pay because everything they had had beendestoryed by fire. What hardship the family must have suffered atthis time. The request was approved. (It is interesting to note thatfees were payable at public schools back then.) Researched 1991 byElizabeth Johnson, granddaughter of Clara Ann Sheather. Allinformation available from the NSW Archives Office.Contact 35 AsquithAvenue, Rosebery, 2018 Phone 02 9313 7746.

  • Sources 
    1. [S9] Source, (Name: http://search.ancestry.com.au/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1030&h=18031271249&indiv=try;).
      Death date: 1902Death place: Gundagai, New South Wales

    2. [S2312] Details: Page 211-2.

    3. [S2299] Details: Page 211.

    4. [S2517] Details: #13999 of 1902.

    5. [S2311] Details: #356 of 1845.