Our Family


Matches 1551 to 1600 of 2215

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1551 S2026 Details: Batch #: P013951, Sheet #: , Source Call #: 942.25 F2 V26FRL
1552 S2340 Details: Batch #: P014051, Sheet #: , Source Call #: 0476869 IT 2
1553 S1747 Details: Batch #M005051 Dates 1570-1812 Source Call #0845461 PrintoutCall #6905957
1554 S2359 Details: Batch : 7026405 - Source : 0538651
1555 S2274 Details: Batch Number # 7214506; Sheet # 58; Source Call # 0820400;Type:Film
1556 S2318 Details: Batch Number # 7214506; Sheet # 66; Source Call # 0820400;Type:Film
1557 S1242 Details: Batch number: A456766
1558 S2934 Details: Birth #1011 VOL 162/1861
1559 S2937 Details: Birth #1374 VOL 162/1863
1560 S2590 Details: Birth #37982 of 1906
1561 S3022 Details: Birth #7990/1856
1562 S2939 Details: Birth #9681/1860
1563 S1830 Details: Birth and marriage registrations
1564 S2927 Details: Birth Index #12260/1898
1565 S1445 Details: Birth Index #18960 of 1875
1566 S1579 Details: Birth Index #19024 of 1875
1567 S1577 Details: Birth Index #23500 of 1880
1568 S1616 Details: Birth Index #33552 of 1905
1569 S1586 Details: Birth Index #3537 of 1897
1570 S2081 Details: Birth Index #8253/1872
1571 S1821 Details: Birth Index #8935 of 1864
1572 S2505 Details: Birth Index #V1836494 20 of 1836
1573 S1355 Details: Birth Index #V18421488 61 of 1842
1574 S2133 Details: Birth Index 11790/1871
1575 S2091 Details: Birth Index 5904/1858
1576 S2136 Details: Birth Index 6021/1860
1577 S2128 Details: Birth Index V18551509 42A/1855
1578 S2598 Details: BVR is a set of CD's listing parish registers
1579 S2599 Details: BVR is a set of CD's listing parish registers Citation Text:Date of Import: 24 Feb 2001
1580 S2341 Details: C013842 3091
1581 S1883 Details: C115736
1582 S1702 Details: C116251
1583 S1824 Details: C116852
1584 S1879 Details: C119356
1585 S1706 Details: C119664
1586 S1813 Details: C119665
1587 S1614 Details: Calculated based on age at time of death
1588 S1676 Details: Calculated from age at time of death
1589 S2602 Details: can be found at Lewes County Records Office
1590 S1615 Details: Card # 223 - Anglican Section
1591 S1677 Details: Card #177 - Anglican Section
1592 S1880 Details: Catherine's was aged 31 when she died in 1860
1593 S1823 Details: Census shows age as 24
1594 S1070 Details: Certificate # 40/0160 Citation Text: Surname: Smith FirstName: Nathaniel S Alias: CF No: 40/0160 Date of Certificate: 17 Jan1840 Vessel: Neva Year: 1833 SRRef: 4/4355 Film: 1005 Remarks: TL38/1592
1595 S265 Details: Certificate # 41014
1596 S264 Details: Certificate # 41014 Citation Text: Marriages registered inte District of Sydney at Burwood in the State of New South Wales byGraham Harold Austin Assistant District Registrar. Place ofregistration : Burwood No. in Register : 297 Date of Ma
1597 S3034 Details: Certificate held by Christine Harris
1598 S906 Details: Christchurch Parish, Newcastle #E2156-V32
1599 S229 Details: Christchurch Parish, Newcastle #V32-E2157
1600 S551 Details: Christchurch Parish, Newcastle #V39-E2270

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